Saturday 30 November 2013

African Animals Pictures

African Animals Pictures 

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My favorite regions in Africa for shooting tropical pictures of animals and African scenery and people include the Masai Mara and Samburu Game Reserves and the Nakuru National Park in Kenya. Kenya has an extraordinary variety and abundance of wildlife, both African wild animals and birds and is a photographer’s dream for shooting wildlife photos of Africa or photos of Masai warriors. It is striking to be able to observe and photograph African wild animals such as the African lion going about their business as if humans did not exist. I feel privileged to get so close to African wild animals and to be able to share their habitat. East Africa is one of the few places left on earth where one can observe large predators and capture tropical pictures of animals in the wild. In the "Africa - Big Cats" galleries you will see a large and varied number of wildlife photos of Africa’s big cats: Cheetahs, African lions, Leopards and many cute and playful cubs. For these predators, the Kenyan plains offer a vast and diverse food chain to feed themselves and their cubs. It’s really fun to observe the cubs. They behave just like human children: playful, energetic and mischievous. Siblings are as different in their character traits as children can be. The female African lions are wonderful mothers as they care for, teach and patiently play with their cubs. In the "Africa - Animals" gallery you will find other African wild animals: Elephants, Hippos on the Mara River, Masai and Reticulated giraffes, Zebra, Impala, Topi, and many other tropical pictures of animals.
A visit to the African zoo is a fantastic chance to get some great photos.
Every year the height and weight of the more than 16,000 animals in London zoo are recorded and collated in the Zoological Information Management System, so zoologists can compare information on thousands of endangered species
Zoo Animal Photos is for exotic animal's photography. It is for people who want to improve their skills in taking pictures. It is for the ones who want to meet other photographers and exchange new ideas on what to do with your pictures.

African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures hd animal pictures 2013
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures 
African Animals Pictures

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